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Aesthetic technologies reduction of fatty deposits; cryolipolysis, hifu, 6D laser, lipocavitation...

Reduction of fatty deposits
Harmonize your silhouette by combining the best cutting-edge technologies

At Medesthetic, we are proud to offer you cutting-edge technologies to help you achieve your health and beauty goals. Discover our cutting-edge aesthetic technologies for effective reduction of fatty deposits. Get the silhouette you dream of with our innovative treatments. We understand that each customer has unique needs and that is why we offer a full range of high quality body care to meet those needs.

Our aesthetic technologies use non-invasive techniques to help reduce fatty deposits, firm skin, tone muscles and improve the overall appearance of the body.


Our cryolipolysis technology is one of our greatest prides. It is designed to eliminate stubborn fat cells that often resist diet and exercise. Using a controlled cooling device, this technology targets unwanted fat cells, which are then eliminated naturally by the body.

Cryolipolysis is particularly effective for problem areas such as the stomach, thighs and arms. It is also painless and does not require anesthesia or downtime. The results are visible from the first sessions and are lasting over time.

Cryolipolysis is a non-invasive fat reduction technique that uses cold to target and eliminate unwanted fat cells. By exposing targeted areas to precise, controlled temperatures, cryolipolysis causes fat cells to crystallize, selectively damaging them while preserving surrounding tissue. Over time, the body naturally eliminates these damaged fat cells, resulting in a visible and lasting reduction in fatty deposits. The benefits of cryolipolysis include no incisions, minimal recovery period, and gradual results that typically appear over several weeks, giving the skin time to naturally adapt to the new body shape. This makes it a popular option for those looking to sculpt their figure without surgery or significant downtime.


Loss of fat deposits of up to two inches in two weeks
6D laser

The 6D laser is a relatively new technology that is used for weight loss and fat reduction. This technique uses lasers to target stubborn areas of fat, especially those that don't respond to diet and exercise.

The 6D laser is considered effective because it uses a combination of six laser diodes that emit waves of different wavelengths. These waves penetrate the skin and target fat cells, causing fat to be released into the bloodstream. The fat is then eliminated naturally by the body.

This technology is non-invasive and does not require anesthesia or recovery time. It can be used on different parts of the body, including the stomach, hips, thighs and arms.

HIFU, an aesthetic technology for reducing fat deposits

Hifu body

HIFU uses sound waves to heat subcutaneous fat cells, causing them to rupture and be eliminated naturally by the body. This technique can be used to treat specific areas of the body, such as the abdomen, thighs, arms, buttocks and love handles.

HIFU treatment is considered safe and effective for body fat reduction and skin tightening. It does not require anesthesia or incisions and has few side effects. Results can be visible from the first session and gradually improve over time.


reduction of fatty deposits
Muscle strengthening

SLIMSCULPT muscle stimulation is cutting-edge technology that uses electromagnetic fields to stimulate the body's muscles. This technique is non-invasive and can help tone and strengthen muscles effectively.

SLIMSCULPT works by sending high-intensity electromagnetic pulses through the skin to contract muscles. These repeated muscle contractions can help strengthen muscles, improve muscle definition and reduce body fat.

This technology is often used to tone the abdominal muscles, buttocks, arms and thighs. It is considered safe and effective, and can be used alongside a balanced diet and regular exercise to improve results.


Vacum technology (or vacuotherapy) is a non-invasive technique used to improve blood and lymphatic circulation, reduce the appearance of cellulite and tone the skin.

This technique uses gentle suction to stimulate subcutaneous tissue, causing a deep massage effect that can help dislodge fat cells and toxins, releasing them into the blood and lymphatic circulation for elimination.

Vacuum therapy can be used on different parts of the body, including the legs, buttocks, abdomen and arms. It is considered safe and effective in improving the appearance of cellulite and orange peel skin.


Lipolaser is a non-invasive weight loss treatment that uses lasers to target fat cells under the skin.

This technique uses low energy lasers to cause the release of fat stored in fat cells, which is then eliminated naturally by the body. The lipolaser can be used on different parts of the body, including the abdomen, thighs, hips and arms.

Lipolaser is considered safe and effective for reducing fat deposits and improving muscle definition. This technique does not require anesthesia or recovery time, and results can be seen from the first session.


Shockwave treatment is a body care technique that can help combat fatty deposits and reduce the appearance of cellulite.

This technique uses high-frequency sound waves to stimulate subcutaneous tissue, which can help dislodge fat cells and toxins, releasing them into the blood and lymphatic circulation for elimination.

Shockwave treatment can be used on different parts of the body, including the legs, buttocks, abdomen and arms. It is considered safe and effective in improving the appearance of cellulite and orange peel skin.

At Medesthetic, we believe that combining slimming technologies is an effective choice to achieve your health and beauty goals. We are proud to offer a comprehensive range of high quality body care products that can be combined to provide optimal results.

The combination of cryolipolysis with the 6D laser or lipolaser

is a popular option for our customers. Both of these treatments are designed to remove unwanted fat cells and areas of stubborn fat. Cryolipolysis targets unwanted fat cells, which are then removed naturally by the body, while laser-assisted liposuction uses a laser to dissolve the fat, making it easier to remove.

Our cellulite reduction treatment can also be combined with skin toning for optimal results. Cellulite reduction uses radio frequency technology to heat the skin and stimulate collagen production, which improves skin texture and reduces the appearance of cellulite. Skin toning also uses radio frequency technology to stimulate collagen production and tighten the skin.

The combination of radiofrequency with lipocavitation

Lipocavitation and radiofrequency are popular anti-cellulite treatments that are often combined to achieve optimal results.

Lipocavitation is a non-invasive technique that uses high-frequency sound waves to target fat cells under the skin. This technique creates bubbles in the fat cells, causing them to rupture and be eliminated naturally by the body.

Radiofrequency, on the other hand, uses electromagnetic waves to heat the deeper layers of the skin, stimulating the production of collagen and elastin, which helps firm the skin.

When combined, these two techniques can significantly improve the appearance of cellulite by reducing fatty deposits and firming the skin. Lipocavitation and radiofrequency are considered safe and effective treatments to combat cellulite.

Slimming technologies combined with infratherapy are increasingly popular in the field of weight loss and body care.

Infratherapy uses infrared radiation to heat the deeper layers of the skin, stimulating blood and lymphatic circulation and helping to remove toxins from the body. It can also help burn fat and reduce the appearance of cellulite.

When combined with other slimming technologies, such as lipocavitation, radiofrequency or cryolipolysis, infratherapy can significantly improve results. These techniques can target fat cells and boost metabolism, which can lead to weight loss and a reduction in body circumference.

However, it is important to note that these techniques do not replace a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and regular exercise. It is also important to consult a healthcare professional before using these techniques to ensure they are safe and appropriate for your individual situation.

At Medesthetic, we are proud to offer a combination of slimming technologies to help our clients achieve their health and beauty goals.

In October, we offer promotions to help you find an elegant and radiantly beautiful silhouette.

Our offerings include a variety of advanced technologies for weight loss, body care and skin tightening. We offer lipocavitation, radiofrequency, infratherapy, muscle stimulation treatments and many more.

Our promotions allow you to benefit from our cutting-edge technologies at advantageous prices.

Don't wait any longer to take care of your body and take advantage of our exceptional offers now. Contact us today to book your consultation and discover how our body care technologies can help you regain an elegant and radiantly beautiful figure.


Hifu body

Hifu body promotion

SLIMSCULPT $100 instead of $250


One session (1 applicator) $150

One session (2 applicators) $280

One session (3 applicators) $400

COMBOS REMODELING CARE (special price per session)

Lipolaser and slimsculpt $150

Cryolipolise and slimsculpt $300

Cryolipolysis and pressotherapy $200

6D laser and slimsculpt $220

6D laser, lipocavitation and radiofrequency $200

Lipocavitation, radiofrequency $100

The offers are only applicable on new treatments from January 25 to February 15, 2024

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